Proceedings of Technical Sessions
The 1st Technical Session of the Institute of Physics Sri Lanka was held on March 29, 1985 in conjunction with the 5th Annual General Meeting at the auditorium of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. From then onwards, the Institute has held its Technical Sessions in conjunction with the Annual General Meetings. Although the proceedings of the technical sessions were not initially published and circulated to members, the Institute maintained the abstracts of papers presented at the technical sessions in the archives.
In 1997, the Institute decided to publish the full papers of the technical sessions and disseminate the printed proceedings to its members, University libraries, and relevant research organisations free of charge. In the year 2007, the proceedings of the technical sessions were made available on the Institute website. Currently, the institute maintains electronic copies of full papers that were presented at its technical sessions from year 2000 onwards.
It should be noted that abstracts of all papers presented during the years 1985-1996 have been taken from the archives and made available online with slight modifications. However, the longer abstracts were edited to fit into one single page following the IPSL guidelines. At the time of writing this note, the abstracts related to the 1987, 1992, 1993, and 1994 technical sessions are being processed.
All references to the abstracts presented at the technical sessions during the years 1985-1996 should be cited as ‘Proceedings of the Technical Sessions of the Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka, session #, (year), paper #’.
The 41st Technical Sessions of the IPSL – 2025
Call for papers
Important Dates
Call for papers: October 20, 2024 onwards
The deadline for submission has been extended to December 15, 2024
Notification of acceptance: January 30, 2025
Technical Sessions: March 22, 2025
Guidelines for preparing papers:
- The content of the paper should be mainly related to the areas in Physics.
- It is required to submit a hard copy of the paper along with a soft copy. The papers should be A4 paper in size with a maximum of 8 pages. Please see the guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript.
- The papers should be in camera-ready format. All papers will be preliminary assessed to check the guideline completion and then refereed before acceptance for presentation at the Proceedings of the Technical Sessions.
- Either review papers or original work can be presented at the Technical Sessions.
- The maximum time allocated to read a paper is 15 minutes followed by a period of 5 minutes for discussion.
- The annexed declaration form must be completed by the corresponding author and sent with each paper submitted. The corresponding author of each paper must be a member of IPSL. All correspondence will be addressed to the corresponding author.
- All accepted manuscripts will be published in the proceeding of the technical sessions in 2024. (Selected papers will be published in the SRI LANKAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIC, Official Journal of the IPSL, and their abstracts will be published in the proceeding of the technical sessions in 2024.)