Membership Information

Membership Grades

The membership of the Institute consists of the following grades:

  • Honorary Fellow
  • Licentiate
  • Fellow
  • Assosiate
  • Member
  • Student
  • Graduate

Fellows and Members are referred to as “Corporate Members” and all other members including Honorary Fellows are “Non-Corporate Members”.

Corporate members are eligible for election or appointment to the Council or any committee of the Institute and are entitled to all the rights and privileges including voting at the meetings.

Following members are entitled to the exclusive use after their names, the designations or the abbreviated designations appropriate to their grades as indicated below, subject to the condition that such designations or abbreviated designations can only be used so long as their memberships are effective in terms of the rules of the Institute.

Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka – FIP (SL)
Member of the Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka – MIP (SL)
Graduate of the Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka – Grad. IP (SL)
Licentiate of the Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka – LIP (SL)
Associate of the Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka – AIP (SL)

The Corporate Members can obtain the title of ” Chartered Physicist”, abbreviated designation”C.Phys ” through a separate application process.

Non-Corporate members are entitled to be present at, and participate in, all general meetings of the Institute, but do not have the right to vote at such meetings or to requisition or join in requisitioning any special general meeting or to hold office or be appointed to the Council or any Committee of the Institute.

Academic Requirements

Requirements to be eligible for the election of each grade of membership are given below.


Every candidate for admission as a Fellow shall,

  1. be more than 35 years of age, AND
  2. be a Corporate member for a minimum period of five years, AND
  3. In the opinion of the Council,
    1. have experience in any field that involves or promotes the advancement or wider application of the Science of Physics of a nature acceptable to the Council, for a period of at least ten years, OR
    2. have such knowledge of physics and acquired such eminence in his profession AND contributed significantly to the development of the subject at the international level, AND
  4. Obtain
    1. at least 20 points from the point scheme for the item numbers 08 to 19, with at least 04 points from item 08, AND
    2. at least a total of 50 points from the point scheme.

The application should be submitted with the bio-data, list of publications, copy of degree certificates, and all evidence pertaining to the application.


The Council may admit to the grade of Honorary Fellow, persons who have rendered valuable service to the cause of Physics and attained eminence.


Every candidate for the admission to the grade of Member shall,

  1. be more than 25 years of age, AND
  2. have obtained:
    1. passes in Parts I and II of the Institute’s Graduateship Examination, OR (III)
    2. B.Sc. (Special) Degree with First or Second Class Honours, with Physics as the principle subject from a recognized university, OR
    3. B.Sc. Degree with Physics as one of the subjects and at least a M.Sc. Degree in any branch of Physics, from a recognized university, OR
    4. B.Sc. (Special) Degree with Physics as the principle subject from a recognized university, and acquired sufficient experience in the practice of Physics acceptable to the Council, for a period of at least two years, OR
    5. B.Sc. (General) Degree with Physics as one of the subjects, from a recognized university, and acquired sufficient experience in the practice of Physics acceptable to the Council, for a period of at least four years, and has been a Licentiate for at least one year, OR
    6. Licentiate membership and engaged in the study or practice of Physics for at least ten years after admission as a Licentiate, and has acquired special attainments acceptable to the Council, OR
    7. Any other equivalent qualifications and adequate experience acceptable to the Council, AND
  3. have had sufficient training and/or experience in the practice of the Science of Physics for a further period of at least four years in a recognized institution after obtaining such qualification and experience as given in (II).


Every candidate for the admission to the grade of Graduate shall,

  1. be more than 21 years of age, AND
  2. have obtained:
    1. Passes in Parts I and II of the Institute’s Graduateship examination, OR
    2. B.Sc. (Special) Degree with First or Second Class Honours, with Physics as the principle subject, from a recognized university, OR
    3. B.Sc. Degree with Physics as one of the subjects and at least a M.Sc. Degree in any branch of Physics, from a recognized university, OR
    4. B.Sc. (Special) Degree with Physics as the principle subject from a recognized university, and has engaged himself in the study and practice of Physics for at least one year after obtaining such qualifications, OR
    5. Any other equivalent qualifications and adequate experience acceptable to the Council.


Every candidate for the admission to the grade of Licentiate shall,

  1. be more than 21 years of age, AND
  2. have obtained:
    1. Passes in Part I of the institute’s Graduateship Examination, and has engaged himself in the practice of Physics while being in full-time employment in an approved Institution after passing the Part I Examination, OR
    2. B.Sc. Degree of a recognized university with Physics as one of the subjects and has engaged himself in the practice of Physics acceptable to the Council.


Every candidate for the admission to the grade of Associate shall,

  1. be more than 21 years of age, AND
  2. have demonstrated an interest in Physics, and have acquired attainments acceptable to the Council.


Every candidate for the admission to the grade of the student shall,

  1. be more than 18 years of age, AND
  2. either,
    1. registered as a student in an approved course of study preparing students for the Institute’s Graduateship Examination, OR
    2. registered as a full-time student in an institution of higher education acceptable to the Council, and offering Physics as one of the main subjects.


  1. All members are elected by the Council on the basis of a written application on a prescribed form. The name of each candidate shall be proposed and seconded by any two Corporate Members of the Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka.
  2. The Council may request any Candidate for any grade other than for the Honorary Fellow Grade, to present himself for an interview in order that the Council could satisfy itself that the candidate possesses the requisite qualifications and experience. The examiners at their discretion may also require such a candidate whose application is based on experience in lieu of academic qualification to submit a dissertation embodying his work for review.
  3. Applicants for the Corporate membership have to submit his/her complete CV including following details for the purpose of evaluation of the application.
    1. Full details of his/her work experience indicating the extent of application of Physics knowledge.
    2. Details of any industrial placements during his degree.
    3. Participation in the professional development scheme.